TATSOAPT – The book about a giant French fry

My favorite part of “The absolutely true story of a part time Indian” was the start of the book. The first two(?) chapters when Junior had his introduction about himself. I liked it because it was fun. He used a lot of self-irony which I like. It makes the book fun and more personal I believe.

Junior is a very fun character. And using self-irony that way he did, it was just genius.
“My brain was drowning in grease. But that makes the whole thing sound weird and funny, like my brain was a giant French fry, so it seems more serious and poetic and accurate to say “I was born with water in my brain”
You laughed when you read this didn’t you? Come on, don’t deny it. You smiled a little. “Giant French fry” That is kinda funny. Sadly, the book didn’t have the self-irony through the whole book. But I did like the part it did. And that is why it is my favorite part.

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